Our data protection and privacy management system in Spain

Adaptation to current regulations

We take care of the adaptation and monitoring of the current regulations on personal data protection, specifically the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Organic Law on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (“LOPDGDD”).

Our goal is to ensure that your company is fully compliant with data protection regulations, protecting the privacy of individuals and avoiding potential legal sanctions. We are committed to keeping abreast of changes and updates in the regulations, ensuring that your company is up to date at all times.

Nuestro objetivo es garantizar que su empresa cumpla de manera integral con la normativa de protección de datos, protegiendo la privacidad de las personas y evitando posibles sanciones legales. Estamos comprometidos en mantenernos al tanto de los cambios y actualizaciones en la normativa, asegurándonos de que su empresa esté al día en todo momento.

Creation and regulatory adaptation


We are responsible for drawing up the Register of Processing Activities (R.P.A.) with an exhaustive analysis of the risks associated with the data subjects.


We develop detailed protocols to ensure regulatory compliance, including the management of data subjects’ rights, security breach reporting, training plan, among other relevant aspects.


We prepare the necessary documents to comply with the duty of information established by the regulations, and we prepare specific contracts with those in charge of processing personal data. We ensure that these contracts adequately reflect the obligations and responsibilities of both parties.

Support and maintenance


We are responsible for maintaining compliance with the regulations in force in relation to the Data Protection Officer (DPO), in accordance with the functions established in article 39 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our objective is to ensure that you comply with the specific obligations and responsibilities assigned to the DPD by the regulations. We handle the management of data subjects’ rights, such as access, rectification, cancellation and opposition (ARCO), as well as the management of data protection breaches.

Stay up to date on data protection regulations.