Anti Money Laundering

Anti money laundering

At Akela we are specialists in the adaptation and monitoring of the regulations for the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, in compliance with Law 10/2010. Our approach focuses on helping you comply with the legal obligations established in this area and ensuring that your organisation implements the appropriate measures to prevent and detect illicit activities. We work with you to conduct a thorough analysis of your processes and put in place the necessary controls to comply with legal requirements and protect your business. Our aim is to provide you with peace of mind and confidence in complying with anti-money laundering and terrorist financing regulations

Creation and regulatory adaptation


We are responsible for drafting the internal Manual for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. Through this document, we establish the necessary guidelines and procedures to prevent and detect possible illicit activities in compliance with the corresponding regulations.


We perform customer scoring and carry out exhaustive checks on sanctioned and terrorist lists. This process allows us to assess the level of risk associated with each customer and ensure that they are not involved in illegal activities. Our goal is to protect your business and ensure compliance with anti-money laundering and terrorist financing regulations.


We define the necessary controls and develop detailed protocols to ensure regulatory compliance in your organisation. These measures include identifying and managing risks, implementing internal controls and regularly reviewing policies and procedures to keep them up to date and effective. Our approach is to establish a robust framework that promotes integrity, transparency and compliance in all areas of your business.

Support and maintenance


We undertake periodic review of the system and update the corresponding documentation. Through this process, we ensure that all policies, procedures and controls are up to date and compliant. Our aim is to ensure that your organisation operates efficiently and complies with legal requirements at all times.


We perform Know Your Client (KYC) procedures with your company’s counterparties. Through this process, we collect and verify relevant information and documentation from your customers, enabling us to know their identity, background and business activities. The primary objective of KYC procedures is to mitigate the risks associated with money laundering, terrorist financing and other illicit activities. We are committed to conducting thorough due diligence to ensure the integrity of your business and maintain regulatory compliance at all times.

Learn how to prevent money laundering.